There are plenty of ways to spend money online. What may surprise you sometimes is that there seems no end to the Get-Rich-Quick schemes one can find either. But even if you don't want to get rich "quick" there are still lots of ways to just "make money" online.
I'm going to go over just a few of them here today, along with my personal comments.
Perhaps like many of you I have tried a few schemes in my life to make money besides the traditional working-for-someone-else plan that many do today.
Now that we have entered the "Information Age" it is so easy to find ways to make money online in ways you probably never dreamed of. And all you need is a recent vintage of computer, an internet connection, and some imagination and some effort, and you can make a lot of money.
In no particular order, here are three ways I have personally seen people make money from the Internet...
Send-Out-Cards - I personally know a lady in the town where I live (Nanaimo, BC) who has affirmed she and her husband make well over $100,000 per year sending out greeting cards. She has been doing it since 2004 and has paid off her mortgage, her car, and pays for most things with cash. I'm not sure what her initial start-up cost was, but I know it wasn't much compared to what she earns today. Greeting cards are always nice to get; they usually bring a smile to my face before I even open them, no matter who they are from. This lady loves the way she earns a living, and it shows.
Banners Broker - This company was introduced to me in April 2012, and I have since met several people who are making money with it online. It involves purchasing and selling internet advertising traffic. Google Ads is a similar business. But those who are into it see it as like a slow-moving internet game of making money where you are actually playing with real money. I personally know two people who signed up for in 2012 and are now withdrawing over $2500 per week into their pockets.
Article writing is a great way to get started making money online. There are no startup costs other than a computer and internet connection, and you can be up and running in mere minutes. There is a bit of a learning about things like Search Engine Optimization, aka "SEO" and keywords, and you will need to be patient. In time, this can be a pretty good source of passive income. Here's a list of ideas you can blog about.
There are lots of ways to make money online and these mentioned here barely scratch the surface. Do some research, and - if you are diligent - I'm certain you can find something that you can do if you are willing.
I'll write more on making money on line at a later date. Until then...
Happy Computing!
Big Mike Nanaimo